Back in 2015 I began reconfiguring my neighborhood... again, and started thinking about how to classify my Teen Girls as being of "Marriageable Age". The deciding factor came about by way of Mother Nature. Girls could be considered of "Breeding Age" and thus marriageable after their first Menstrual Cycle; this brought to mind an old mod, Smonaff's Period Hack.
It occurred to me that perhaps others might like the realism and "Rules of Nature" this mod could bring, so I Medievalized it by changing the Menu Strings & Notification Text, and the "First Memory" picture, to make it more Era Appropriate, everything else is Smonaff's work.
I did some research on how menstrual cycles were dealt with and came by an article with some good information and logical conclusions by the author that led me to the changes I settled upon.
Wall o' Text:
"... wads of cotton being used for the cleansing of the inner canals of the woman's vulva prior to sexual intercourse with her husband, but it is unlikely that a similar cotton wadding may have been used for a kind of medieval tampon as the belief in letting the menses flow and drain from the body prevailed... A pad of linen fabric seems possible, but when filled with linen wadding would make a pad which would be unlikely to launder well for reuse... sphagnum moss (sphagnum cymbifolium) [Blood Moss], was used for toilet paper and was also believed by surgeons to have antiseptic properties... It occurs to me [the author] that this might make an exceptionally good filling for a sanitary pad- absorbent, reusable, washable, almost instantly driable and freely available to both wealthy and the lower classes alike in almost all geographic locations. The benefit of antiseptic properties from a woman's 'poisonous menstrual blood' would possibly be seen as an added bonus."
In 2006, Smonaff uploaded a Period Hack @ MTS. The original mod was made in a Modern flavor.
For those unfamiliar with the mod: Allows Female Sim, ages Teen - Adult, to have a Menstrual Cycle.
Comfort Decrease
Cramps - Uses part of 'Labor Pains' Animation; Comfort Decrease Spike.
Cravings - Sims will crave snacks and eat Chips or Cookies, or 'Stuff Face' at the refrigerator.
Hygiene Decrease - Using a Tampon (using the toilet) will stop this Motive Decay; effective for 4 hours.
It was recognized in many cultures that a woman's monthly flow mimicked the lunar cycle of 28 days, and was often referred to by a similar name. The Moon itself is often seen as a Woman Deity as a Triple Form Goddess of Maiden, Mother, Crone. With help from some of the Ladies of the Plumb Bob Keep for ideas about added Hygiene Product Names, in the v2.0 Text are as follows -
Period = Moon Cycle
Menopause = Crone Cycle
Tampon = Rolled Moss Linen
Pad = Moss Filled Linen
Panty Liner = Linen
Menstrual Cup = Ritualistic Vessel
Memory Icon - Sim Pax = Blood Moon

Please see Smonaff's Post @ MST for full details!