These were part of my Secret Santa Gift 2014 to VampireKisses6661.
I did a re-texture of Morganna's "Lumberjack No More" using isbrealiomcaife "Weapons Sold Separately". Grey, Blue, Green and Red respectively.
These files will conflict with some of Sunni's Bon Voyage NPC replacements, specifically the mountain food station cooks. The files in question are named NPC-Medieval_FoodStandChefMTN_F and NPC-Medieval_FoodStandChefMTN_M. Everything else will be fine, just not those two files. There's nothing I can do about this, as both files replace the same Maxis meshes. Blame Maxis for being too lazy to have a separate clothing recolor for the food station cooks.

Default Replacements, there can only be ONE.