I have 2 Default Replacements for you: The Grocery Delivery People & The Gardeners. I imagine in a Medieval Neighborhood it would be the Farmers that would make deliveries of Fresh Goods to those that request them. Though, the original outfits were bright blue, I decided to go with greens and browns for a more Earthy feel:

Male: an edit of Field Work on Cynnix's TSM Peasant Conversion with her TSM Cook's Cap in matching leather. Female: a slight edit of Amelie's Maid Merry TS3 Conversion with an edit of Hat's Chairwoman. The black line on the skirt has been fixed.

Seen with Dicreasy's Default Basket & Sunni's Default Wagon
I went with a similar feel for the Gardeners:

Male: Field Work in Oyster with Cynnix's TSM Straw Hat. Female: Maid Merry in Tan with long sleaves, so she isn't scratched by any bushes. She's wearing Moogle's DR Hair. I'd like to give her the Straw Hat too, but it needs to be converted for AF.

Moogle's Hair clips, but it looks like it is neatly tucked inside the hood of the dress.

Default Replacements, there can only be ONE.