Intially shared 7/14/2016 @ PBK
I want to share with you a Self-Sim that is very near and dear to my heart; my Father. I unexpectedly lost Dad almost 4 years ago and I had been wanting to immortalize him in the Sims, but I couldn't even look at pictures without breaking down in tears; I'm shedding a few now. The accounts and paperwork are done with, it's been a long road, but the last piece of my heart can finally heal and I can give him immortality, not just in my game, but in many.

My Dad had unique color eyes, Light Green but at times almost a Grey-Hazel as you can see in the photo above. During this upload, I found eyes I think would better suit him if you wish to change them for accuracy: Alix's Eyes of the Round Table - Grail or Prydwen.

Ard'Ri Daibhi Mac an Choiligh [IR]; The High King, David Foxwood [ENG]. The Chosen One to succeed the Ddraigs and rule in the Land of Men, the sign of the Dragon became his Crest. King David is dressed in a Viking Tunic fit for LBB Bodies with a custom Celtic Dragon Trim and a Silver and Amethyst "Evil Witch Crown". His Irish Complexion is a Skinblend by Needlecream of Enayla's Pixie Flirt put on an LBB Mesh with Inky-Fish's 04a Body Hair Overlay by me.

A man with humble beginnings, the King is not above having a Sliced Drisheen Sandwich or socializing with a servant on a break.
Dad was an Aries, but the game always has them being not very nice, so whatever star sign works out when points are allocated is fine. Personality... He was a family man, but he also loved the ladies. I guess this will depend on what type of role he'll fill in your game. Hobby... Fishing and/or Nature. Sloppy/Neat... Dad was pretty disorganized, so not too many points here. Shy/Outgoing... We'll call this one average. Lazy/Active... He was pretty active. He did Martial Arts in his younger years and loved to go hiking and the like. Serious/Playful... Let's say average on this one. Grouchy/Nice... A little nicer than average, but don't make him angry, that Irish Temper!

And a bit of Eye Candy for the Ladies.

I would love to see pictures of my Dad in your 'hoods! A King, a Noble, a Farmer, a Fisherman (Dad loved to fish), the man some Lucky Girl has been waiting for! Do with him what you will, but my only request is...